Saturday, September 19, 2015

Consuming a JSON REST result in C# .NET

Yesterday I wrote about an Simple API server for IP Address Information Lookup that I had created in Node.js. This server produces a JSON result that looks like this for IP address

         "en":"Mountain View",
         "en":"North America",
         "en":"United States",
         "en":"United States",

I wanted to consume this end-point in a C# application. A quick search for solutions on how to consume a JSON result from a REST service showed some very complicated ways of doing this. This is a simple solution that I came up with:

// A simple C# class to get the details of an IP address
public class IpApi
    public IPInfo GetIPInfo(string ip)
        // Create the URL for the REST endpoint
        string url = "http://localhost:3000/ip/" + ip;
        // Create a .Net WebClient object
        WebClient wc = new WebClient();
        // Get the string result from the REST endpoint
        string json = wc.DownloadString(url);
        // Use Newtonsoft JsonConvert class and its static
        // DeserializeObject method to parse the string into
        // a .Net object
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IPInfo>(json);
// The following classes create the JSON object graph hierarchy
// in static classes. It's a bit tedious looking at the JSON
// object and typing these out. I'd imagine that if you're 
// doing this a lot you could write a tool to generate these
// classes using the JSON as input. Or perhaps there's already
// a tool that does this?
public class Names
    // I didn't need the pt-BR and zh-CN key/values from the
    // names so I didn't bother looking up how JsonCovert maps
    // those. 
    public string de, en, fr, ja, ru;
public class City
    public Names names;
    public int geoname_id;
public class Continent
    public string code;
    public Names names;
    public int geoname_id;
public class Country
    public string iso_code;
    public Names names;
    public int geoname_id;
public class Location
    public decimal latitude;
    public decimal longitude;
    public int metro_code;
    public string time_zone;
public class Postal
    public string code;

public class IPInfo
    public City city;
    public Continent continent;
    public Country country;
    public Location location;
    public Postal postal;
    public Country registered_country;
    public Country[] subdivisions;

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