Go Daddy have just launched their x.co url shortener which is the shortest url shortener that I have been able to find. If you are doing shortening on your server (as opposed to doing it client side using JavaScript) then here is some C# code that will work on your web server to shorten a url using their API. You will need your API key which can be found here: Integrating x.co with applications you develop.
public class XcoApi
private const string apiKey = "put your API key here";
public static string ShortenUrl(string longUrl)
var shortUrl = string.Format(
apiKey, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(longUrl));
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
return wc.DownloadString(shortUrl);
The main advantage of shortening a URL on the server side instead of the client side is that you can keep your API key hidden and therefore usable only by you.
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