I've been using HTTP Status Check for Node.js Workshops to help coach developers wanting to learn or get better at Node.js and JavaScript development.
HTTP Status Check is a Node.js utility that takes a list of URLs and checks that their statuses and other properties are what you would expect. As a web developer we usually have a number of domains, URLs and sites that we need to "keep-an-eye" on and this utility will quickly check the health of all our sites and report it back to us.
The benefits of using this project for a workshop are:
("repo" is short for repository or code-repository. The code that you run is in a repo and you will pull it down to your machine. More on that to come...)
HTTP Status Check is a Node.js utility that takes a list of URLs and checks that their statuses and other properties are what you would expect. As a web developer we usually have a number of domains, URLs and sites that we need to "keep-an-eye" on and this utility will quickly check the health of all our sites and report it back to us.
The benefits of using this project for a workshop are:
- Most Node.js development is around web development. As a web developer you need to know and understand the HTTP protocol. This utility is all about that.
- It's small and easy to understand.
- It's something that you can (and should) use each day to keep an eye on your web properties. This means that you'll directly benefit from any changes you make to it.
- Which brings us to changes. It's easy and quick to make changes in your fork (branch) of the project if you need it to do more than what it currently does.
- In addition to learning Node.js/JavaScript you get to learn how to use Git, GitHub, Npm, how to contribute to Open Source and how to build your reputation and resume on GitHub.
("repo" is short for repository or code-repository. The code that you run is in a repo and you will pull it down to your machine. More on that to come...)
- Setup a GitHub account and log into it: https://github.com/join
- Fork the HTTP Status Check repo. (Forking is the process of making a copy of the code-base in your GitHub account that you have complete control over to do with as you please.)
- You must be signed into GitHub. Go to the repo: https://github.com/guyellis/http-status-check
- If you're signed in then you will see some buttons towards the top right of the page: Watch, Star, Fork. Click on the Fork Button.
- The repo will now be forked (copied) to your account and you will be redirected to it, something like: https://github.com/<your-account-name>/http-status-check
- Congratulations, you've successfully forked your first GitHub project and taken your first step to contributing to open source.
- Install Git on your computer. You now need to get that repo (the code-base) from your fork on GitHub to a directory on your computer. This is done through a process called cloning which as the name suggests creates a clone of your fork on your local machine. Before we can do this though we need to install Git:
- Use the official Git download page to find and install the right Git Client for your OS: http://git-scm.com/downloads
- There is also a link on that page that will take you to popular Git GUI clients.
- Once that's done come back here.
- Open a command window and type git and hit enter. You should be presented with a list of git commands. This confirms that git has been successfully installed.
- Clone the repo.
- Create a directory where you want to keep your source code. You don't need to create a directory for the HTTP Status Check project, just one that will hold your projects. For example /source/ or /code/ or /myrepos/ or something like that.
- Now open a command window in that directory or open a command window and change to that directory.
- Clone the repo by executing this command after you have replaced your-github-account-name with your GitHub account name. (This is where you forked the repo to in the Fork step above.):
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-account-name>/http-status-check.git - Some notes about this:
- You can find the correct link to use on your GitHub page by looking at the forked repo and on the right hand side you'll see something that says HTTPS clone URL. Right below that is a text box that you can copy the link from.
- If you want to use SSH then you can click the SSH link below that box to switch the link to the correct SSH link.
- If this is successful then you'll see something that looks like this. The numbers that you see will be different:
Cloning into 'http-status-check'...
remote: Counting objects: 395, done.
remote: Total 395 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (395/395), 56.90 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (224/224), done.
Checking connectivity... done. - A directory would have also been created for you called http-status-check.
- Code Editor. You need a code editor to edit the code that you've just cloned. If you don't already have one installed then try one of these which are available on almost all Operating Systems:
- WebStorm: 30 day trial and then $49 to buy and $29/year renewal after that (for non-commercial use).
- Sublime Text: Free evaluation and then a $70 single payment for continued use.
- Install Node.js and Npm. I deliberately put this step at the end. I want you to be able to immediately run something after you've installed Node.js and see it in action which is why you got the code setup first.
- Go to the Node.js site and install it for your Operating System. This will also install Npm which you'll need later.
- Once installed open a command window and change directory to the HTTP Status Check directory and run node.
- You should see a > command prompt. This confirms it was installed. Hit Ctrl+C twice to exit.
- Run Npm.
- In the same command window in the http-status-check directory run npm install. (You can also run npm i which is a shorter version of this.)
- You should now see all the dependencies being downloaded and added to the project. Here is an example of some of what you'll see in the console window. Some of the numbers might be different:
[email protected] node_modules/debug
└── [email protected]
[email protected] node_modules/chai
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected] ([email protected])
[email protected] node_modules/lodash - Run HTTP Status Check.
- Now type node index.js and hit enter and the HTTP Status Check utility will run. You should see something like this:
_ Google (http://google.com) testing disabled.
_ HTTP Status Check on Guy's Blog (http://www.guyellisrocks.com/2014/06/http-status-check.html) working as expected.
_ Missing URL example (http://www.guyellisrocks.com/2014/06/will-this-get-written.html) working as expected.
_ LinkSilk WWW (http://www.linksilk.com) working as expected.
_ LinkSilk (http://linksilk.com) working as expected.
A total of 5 URIs were tested.
Failure count: 0
Success count: 4
Disable count: 1 - Done! You've successfully forked, cloned, installed and run your first Node.js application. Now you're ready to start making changes to it to customize how it works. We'll cover code changes in the workshop. In the mean time you can change the list of web sites that it checks to check your sites and immediately provide you with some value:
- Copy the samplesites.js file (in the root of the project) to a file called checksites.js. (checksites.js will take precedence over samplesites.js if it is present.)
- Edit the checksites.js file and replace the sample web sites with your own websites and rules. The file is heavily commented (lines starting with // are comments) to guide you to what changes you can and should make.
- Now run node index.js again and you'll see your sites being checked.
- Workshop and Questions. If you weren't able to get to this point then post comments to this blog post. You should also bring your questions to the workshop. If you're not able to edit your checksites.js file and run it against your sites before the workshop then you'll miss out on making changes to the code and learning about Node.js and JavaScript.
Bonus Tasks
- Run the tests.
- In a console window in the http-status-check directory run npm test.
- All the tests should pass.
- Run code coverage.
- In a console window in the http-status-check directory run npm run istanbul.
- The tests will run (as above) and code coverage will be calculated. The output should end with something that looks a little bit like this:
Statements : 100% ( 170/170 )
Branches : 88.73% ( 63/71 )
Functions : 100% ( 23/23 )
Lines : 100% ( 169/169 ) - Now open the coverage/lcov-report/index.html file that was created as a result of this and look at how the tests cover the solution.
- Learn more about how Git and GitHub work. Install Ungit and use its graphical interface in the browser to visual understand the repo's structure and work with the repo.
- New features in HTTP Status Check.
- Is there a bug that needs to be fixed or feature that you think should be added to HTTP Status Check? Then add it as an issue: HTTP Status Check Issues. (Even if you intend to work on this you should add it to the issues first and then assign it to yourself.)
- Want to work on existing issues in HTTP Status Check. Then find them in the same place: HTTP Status Check Issues
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