The group started with a strategic meeting about where we wanted to get to and also the expanse and potential of the Alternate Reality Game project. There were a lot of good ideas and the potential for this product could be huge. Monetizing it without the player being offended appears to be fairly easy inasmuch as the oportunities for doing such appear wide spread.
Problems faced during the day:
- The network at Gangplank (our hosts) was very slow. This could have been because the amount of traffic was not what it was set-up for.
- The four developers on the team were split between the Java world and .NET worlds meaning that two of the developers could not work to their full potential.
- The marketers/implementers were more focused on what the potential of the product could be and should have probably spent more time looking at what we can produce in the span of 1.5 days.
These were minor set backs and I hope that we get a working prototype finished by tomorrow evening.
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