Friday, November 16, 2012

Toastmasters Timer in TypeScript

I recently wrote a Toastmasters Timer in TypeScript for two reasons:
  1. The other timers that I found out on the web didn't quite do what I wanted them to do and
  2. I needed a small project to learn TypeScript
All of the timers I found followed the same approximate format as this one created by Stan Birdwell (Central Toastmasters 2277-31) and Michael K. Heney (Goddard Toastmasters 3496-36):

I was looking for something that would should the time in a large font on the page and change the color of a large portion of the page at each stage. I needed this to be able to constantly monitor the time and color from a distance while I am pacing around the room practicing a speech. I didn't want to have to lean forward to see the time. This is the final result: Toastmasters Timer

Here is the TypeScript source code for that timer (the compiled JS, HTML and CSS can be pulled from the page):
/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />

class SpeechType {
    constructor (public name: string, public greenTime: string, public yellowTime: string, public redTime: string, public id: string) {

class TSTimer {
    timerToken: number;
    speeches: SpeechType[];
    started: bool;
    startTime: Date;
    stopTime: Date;
    green: number;
    yellow: number;
    red: number;

    constructor (speeches: SpeechType[]) {
        this.started = false;
        this.speeches = speeches;

        $.each(this.speeches, (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: SpeechType) => {
            var newButton = $('<span>')
   (event) => {
        $(window).resize( () => {
        // call on initialization in case the browser starts off narrow

        $('#btnReset').click( () => {

        $('#btnStart').click(() => {


    resetButton() {
        $('#body').css('background-color', '#EFEEEF');
        this.startTime = null;

    startButton() {
        if (this.started) {
        } else {

    resizeTime() {
        var width = $(window).width();
        var x: number = Math.floor((width < 900) ? (width / 900) * 28 : 28);
        $('#trafficlight').css('font-size', x + 'em');

    setElementText(elapsedSeconds: number) {
        if (elapsedSeconds >= {
            $('#body').css('background-color', '#FF4040');
        } else if (elapsedSeconds >= this.yellow) {
            $('#body').css('background-color', '#FCDC3B');
        } else if (elapsedSeconds >= {
            $('#body').css('background-color', '#A7DA7E');

    timerEvent() {
        if (!this.startTime) {
            this.startTime = new Date();
        var timeNow = new Date();
        var elapsedSeconds: number = this.timeDiffInSeconds(this.startTime, timeNow);

    // Returns the difference in seconds between
    timeDiffInSeconds(earlyTime: Date, lateTime: Date): number {
        var diff: number = lateTime.getTime() - earlyTime.getTime();
        return Math.floor(diff / 1000);

    formatTime(elapsedSeconds: number) {
        var minutes: number = Math.floor(elapsedSeconds / 60);
        var seconds: number = elapsedSeconds % 60;
        return minutes + ":" + ((seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds.toString() : seconds.toString());

    start() {
        this.started = true;
        if (this.startTime) {
            // i.e. no reset since the last time it was started so adjust the start time
            // to reflect the time that's elapsed since it was stopped.
            var newStartTime = new Date().getTime() - (this.stopTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime());
        } = this.getSecondsFromTextBox('#green-light');
        this.yellow = this.getSecondsFromTextBox('#yellow-light'); = this.getSecondsFromTextBox('#red-light');
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.timerEvent(), 1000);

    stop() {
        this.started = false;
        this.stopTime = new Date();

    getSecondsFromTextBox(id: string): number {
        var greenLight: string = $(id).val();
        return parseInt(greenLight.split(':')[0]) * 60 + parseInt(greenLight.split(':')[1]);

    setDefault() {

    activateSpeech(speechId: string) {
        $.each(this.speeches, function (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: SpeechType) {
            if ( === speechId) {
        $('#' + speechId).addClass('active-speech');

$(document).ready(function () {
    var speeches = [];
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Table&nbsp;Topics", "1:00", "1:30", "2:00", "st-table-topics"));
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Evaluation", "2:00", "2:30", "3:00", "st-evaluation"));
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Icebreaker", "4:00", "5:00", "6:00", "st-icebreaker"));
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Standard", "5:00", "6:00", "7:00", "st-standard"));
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Advanced", "8:00", "9:00", "10:00", "st-advanced"));
    speeches.push(new SpeechType("Test", "0:02", "0:04", "0:06", "st-test"));
    var timer = new TSTimer(speeches);


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